Thursday, March 1

I'm moving back to WV!!!!

The freaks here are far too weird for me to understand! :)

Before I start, let me state for the record that I do not advocate fornication with animals. That being said...

Last night there was a story on the news about a farm here in MD that had someone break in three weeks ago, take a ewe away from her baby, cut off one of its hind legs, and decapitated it. When the lady who owns the farm went in the next morning, she found the baby bawling something fierce, and the body of the mother sheep was laying in the walkway, no head or hind leg to be found. Okay, so I know that isn't so weird yet....wait for it....

This past Tuesday, three weeks later, the people broke in again AND RETURNED THE HEAD!!!!! What kind of messed up state am I living in now???? When people in WV decide to do freaky things to animals, it usually means they are having sex with them. NOT STORING THEIR HEADS FOR THREE WEEKS TIME AND THEN RETURNING THEM TO THE SCENE OF THE CRIME!!!!! I just can't figure out what the deal was with this. Who keeps a sheep's head lying about for three weeks, and then decides, you know, I should return this???? And I don't even want to think about the leg...when is it going to get returned???? Anyways, I have always thought that the freaks who have been caught screwing sheep over the years had issues, but that seems almost rational after hearing about this!

So, that is my rant for the day. I am not really going to be moving back to WV any time soon, but I am starting to worry about what kind of people live around me now... :)


At March 01, 2007 4:56 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Oh my goodness!! Run away as fast as you can... :)

I guess the only good thing in the situation is that we will always have material to blog about as long as those crazy freaks are out there lurking around. What a story!



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