Wednesday, February 9

More updates

We got more news about dad this week. He has now been diagnosed as a diabetic. The doctor gave him a little kit with lots of info and all the stuff to test his blood sugar, put him on some new meds, and made him an appointment with a dietician. I feel so sorry for the poor guy--his whole life has been turned upside down in the last two weeks.

In other news, I hosted another successful poker night this past Friday. Why am I waiting until now to tell you about it? Because I got up Saturday morning at 5 am sicker than I have ever been in my life. This new stomach virus that is going around is a doozie, so do everything in your power to keep from getting it. It has been five days now and I am still not back 100%. Thankfully, the vomiting is over though, so I am on the mend. I am so terrified that the people who were here for poker on Friday are going to get it! All I can do is say I am sorry if you do--if I'd had any idea I was sick, I would never have had you guys over!

My nephew, Noah, turned one on Friday and his party was Saturday. I unfortunately had to miss it, what with my head hanging over the toilet and such, but from what I understand it was a lot of fun. I really hated to miss it. I know he will never remember that I wasn't there, but that is such a big day in a baby's life, and I had to miss it all. :(

Good news now--Eric is back in the United States!!!! He is in Indiana for demobilization (at least I think that is what it is called) right now and will hopefully be traveling back to WV this weekend. So, looks like he will be home for Valentine's Day! He called this evening and I was able to actually talk to him for the first time since September. It was so nice to just hear his voice again. I am SOOOOO looking forward to him getting home! :)

That is about it for now. Oh, except that my computer has been hijacked by spyware and I can't seem to get it off my system. Ever so much fun.


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