Finally able to breathe again!
Daddy's hearing was today and he WON!!! It was not the decisive victory that we were hoping for, but it was a victory nonetheless. He will return to work and get back his leave and benefits. Unfortunately though, he will not be returning to the same job/pay that he was at. His old position has been eliminated. (Kinda convenient, don't you think--they wanted to get rid of his position and out of the blue he was fired? Anyways...) Right now they are trying to figure out what they are going to do with him. But, even if he returns to less pay, he will be returning to work and will still have health insurance. And he will not have a firing to haunt him if he decides to look elsewhere for work. So, we are all happy. We took him out to celebrate this evening, and he was already well on his way back to being his old self--laughing and joking and having a good time. For those of you who know him, you probably can't imagine him any other way. Before all of this, I couldn't have imagined him as depressed as he was either. But, my daddy is back! And we are all finally able to relax a bit again. Thanks to everyone for your concern and prayers over the past few months! Now keep your fingers crossed that they will find a decent paying job to put him back to work at!
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