Tuesday, March 1

Dating Sucks

I would love to know when it became "okay" to end things with someone by never calling them! I still feel the need to tell someone that I don't want to continue seeing them, but I guess I am old-fashioned that way.

Until this weekend things with Eric were still going great. He called me every day last week while I was sick to check on me and kept saying that he couldn't wait to see me again. We finally were able to go out again this past Friday. He came over in the afternoon and we spent about an hour on the couch cuddled up together talking, then went out to dinner and to a play. All through the evening things seemed to go well. Then, at the end of the night once we were back at my house, I asked him if he wanted to come in. He said that he was sorry, but that he wasn't really feeling well and thought it might be best to go on home for the evening. The night ended with him kissing me three or four times and then him leaving.

Now, at any point in that story do you see anything that screams that something went wrong--that he has lost interest? Like a fool, I believed that he wasn't feeling well. I called on Saturday to check on him, but no answer, so I left a message. When I hadn't heard anything from him by Sunday night, I started wondering if maybe he faked not feeling well, but still wasn't willing to accept it. I called again on Monday, and again got the answering machine. Well, as you can guess, I still haven't heard back from him.

It makes no sense whatsoever to me! If at any point he had acted like he wasn't interested, I could see it. BUT HE DIDN'T!!! If anything, he acted completely crazy about me! So, I just plain don't get this. And, if that is the case and he isn't interested, is it really so hard to just say so? What is with the never calling thing? It is such a wimpy way to end things! Yeah, it sucks to have to tell someone that it is over. BUT SUCK IT UP ALREADY!!! I have told many a guy over the years that things were over between us, and it has yet to kill me or any of them. These guys that keep doing this to me really need to grow some balls.

And to think, I was actually considering changing my mouse trail to say something other than "Being Single Sucks."


At March 14, 2005 1:02 PM, Blogger Astrid said...

Sounds like a story that could very well happen to me as well, but are you sure it is over? It would be too unhuman to end a relationship like this!!! Even calling it a day over a text-message would be better! Please keep me posted on this and be strong, babe!


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