Tuesday, March 22

More Drama

I was really hoping that my next post would be a happy, cheerful one, but unfortunately that is not the case.

The good news is that he is going to be okay. The bad news is that I just got home from spending the evening at the ER with my dad. The poor guy just can't get a break! This time it is his diverticulitis acting up. His fever shot up and he was having severe abdominal pain, so off to the hospital we went. This crap can't ever happen during normal doctor's hours, can it? After sitting and waiting for three hours, they finally were able to get him a bed. Multiple x-rays and a cat scan later, they decided to admit him and fill him full of antibiotics and morphine. He is in so much pain though that the morphine is barely dulling it. This happened last November also, and he was there for two nights, so I figure that is what we are looking at again this time. Thank goodness he still has insurance from his job! Which, speaking of that, his grievance hearing is scheduled for April 6th, so keep your fingers crossed that things will go his way for a change and he will get his job back!


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