Sunday, February 12

Winter is here!

It is all white and fluffy here!!! :) And completely gorgeous! Overnight we got at least a foot of snow, likely more. Unfortunately though I don't have a yardstick to really be able to measure it. There is so much of it that it made snow drifts, so against the buildings there are places where it has to be two or more feet deep!

I let Baci out this morning and it was the funniest damn thing I think I have ever seen in my life! It is well over her head, and every step/jump she took she just sunk deeper. I put her little cow-spotted coat on her, so all you could see was this tiny little black head and the occasional black spot from the coat. It was so cute and I was laughing out loud the entire time she was out. I had put some tiny boot on her also, but even though they would likely fit a preemie baby, they were still too big for her, so at this time they are lost in the depths, to be found only after the snow melts. She absolutely loves the snow, always has, so this is heaven to her. I had to practically drag her back in the house! With any luck I will be able to get some pictures a little later on today!

Well, I am off to get dressed (I'm in a bathrobe you pervs!) and go out and build a snowman or two!!! :)


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