Wednesday, June 7

Crazy ramblings...

This week I realized something about women's clothing, which unfortunately has made dressing this week very difficult for me: the sleeves are all screwy on most shirts. All of my shirts have little capped sleeves, so maybe what would equal 1/8 sleeves. This has not been an issue before this week, but I am working on a construction site through next week, and one of the requirements is to wear a shirt with at least 1/4 sleeves, so in essence, a t-shirt. I have gone through my closet, and I only have a couple of shirts that will meet this requirement, at least shirts that would be appropriate for work. I have a ton of traditional t-shirts, that, while they would fit the sleeve requirement, I have a feeling I would be sent home when someone noticed that Calvin and Hobbes are smoking a joint on the back of my shirt, or that "Jokers, Aces, and Phi-Mus are WILD," or I could go with the ever professional Grateful Dead Bear shirt that proclaims "My parent's think I am in college." Ooh, ooh, or maybe I should try wearing a shirt from one of the political campaigns I have worked on; considering I work for the feds, and pretty much Bush is my boss, how do you think it would go over if I wore a Kerry shirt?

Anyway, dressing has been tough, to say the least. And I am here all next week also, so I guess I will just repeat all of my clothes next week that I wore this week--there is no way I am going to come up with ten different shirts.

The funny thing is, I never noticed this phenomenon happening. Did sleeves just gradually start getting shorter so that there wasn't an outcry about how strange they look? Are they just going to keep getting smaller and smaller, until there are only sleeveless shirts? Crazy ramblings, I know, but it is what is going through my mind at the moment.

All right! To make matters even better, I just learned that from now on, I get to start wearing a neon, fluorescent green vest over my shirts. I am going to be looking good this afternoon! Currently I am wearing an orange gingham checked button-up shirt. Isn't that going to look fabulous with a neon green vest?!?!?!?! Toss in the hard hat, safety glasses, and steel-toed boots, and I am so sexy it hurts! All I can say is thank goodness there isn't anyone at the construction site that I am trying to impress!


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