The Ents Attack!
Forgot to mention one thing about my day at Wine in the Woods on Sunday...I was attacked by Ents! I learned a very important lesson: Never compare Maryland Ents to West Virginia Ents, because they will seek revenge. Guess they don't much like their hillbilly cousins. :)
Seriously though, the strangest thing kept happening to me on Sunday. It didn't matter where I decided to sit, the trees kept dropping leaves and such on me. Nobody else in our group was having the same trouble I was--an occasional leaf would hit someone else here or there, but nothing like they were getting me. Within minutes I had a little circle of leaves around me EVERY time I sat down. Once a big seed pod of some sort bonked me in the head, and that actually hurt a bit. But the worst was when something hit my arm and actually cut me--I was left bleeding!!! Granted, just a tiny little dot of blood, but still--the trees were attacking me and they weren't happy until they drew blood! I'm just lucky there were lots of witnesses, so they couldn't take me out! :)
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