Saturday, October 2

Something I miss

While I was laying in bed last night, unable to go to sleep for some reason, my mind started wondering. I remembered the days of having a boyfriend curled up in bed with me, and I realized how much I miss that. I am not talking anything sexual either; I miss the togetherness. I miss rolling over and having someone to toss my arm around, someone to cuddle up to when I am cold, and someone to calm my mind when I can’t sleep. I miss falling asleep with his arms wrapped tight around me. I miss the security that you feel when you sleep like that. I always enjoyed waking up before my boyfriend and watching him sleep, wondering what was going on in his dreams. And I miss waking up myself to find that he does the same when he wakes up first. I guess I just miss the closeness that you have with someone when you share a bed.

A note to Shawn now: Since I am sure that I will end up sharing your bed during Ren-fest, all I can say is you had better cuddle!!!! ;) Can't wait to see all of you guys again!


At October 02, 2004 8:02 PM, Blogger Maisyday said...

We will miss you too! If I had the money I would send it to you so that you could come!

Shawn never cuddles with me either. :( That doesn't bode well since each day is one day closer to he and I ending up married.

As for poking, the closest he does with me is bonk me on the nose every time I snore! Like he has the right--he makes lil piggy noises while he sleeps!!! LOL--You know I love you Shawn! :)

At October 07, 2004 9:00 PM, Blogger Maisyday said...

Shawn Dear, I don't care at all if you have a pet. One stipulation though--your pet has to get along with Baci. So, I have to say, things don't look so well, since Baci doesn't get along with anything. We still have a couple of years though--who knows, by then she may have mellowed out some. Yeah, right. :)


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