Up and downs
Working from home can be a blessing or a curse. Take today for example--I was at the office again for the staff meeting/retirement party. We were all sitting around after lunch, still celebrating, sharing stories of old times and it really made me miss having coworkers around. I love the freedom of not having to get up and travel to work, I just walk to the next room, but there is something to be said about the friendships that you make in an office setting. I actually worked in the office, off an on, for five years, so I have a lot of friends there. We see each other from time to time outside of work, but it just isn't the same. I miss out on the everyday things. So, it can be a real bummer. At the same time, it would be a real bummer to get back into rush hour traffic everyday, even for my favorite coworkers.
Good news--my stiches came out today. YAY!!! Bad news--turns out that I wasn't having a reaction to the stiches, but rather, I was having a reaction to the polysporin that I was applying twice a day to the stitches. And, me being the scientist that I am, I had to test this theory before I would believe it. I have been putting a little bit of polysporin on my stomach for the last few days each time that I put it on my stitches. As I am sure you can guess, I now have a rash on my belly that is also itching very, very badly. I sometimes worry about my intelligence. :) Feel free to laugh with me--it is very funny. Additional good news--no cancer. Woo-hoo!
No news on the man front today, so nothing to update you on there. Trust me, anything good happens, I will be shouting it from the rooftops! :)
That's it for the day. Later!
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