Saturday, August 7

Taking a break

Emma came home yesterday!!! The doctors ran all kinds of tests on her and she seems to be a healthy baby now, so they released her. Thanks again for all the prayers!

This is likely going to be my last post for a little while. I am headed back to Chicago, yet again, tomorrow and will be gone until next Friday. For those of you who don’t know, I take training classes for my job in Chicago. I have had it now for a little over two years and in that time I should have taken maybe five classes. Somehow though, this is my thirteenth. I enjoy my time there and I am thankful for the training—I have a kick-ass resume now—but it has been a lot of time away from home. Most of my trips are two weeks at a time, but thankfully this one is just one week. So, it will be over in no time!

The bar is fully stocked now, and poker night was a success. Unfortunately though not everyone we invited was able to make it. The guy we planned to introduce to Michelle had a prior commitment, while my guy had to work. We still had a good time though. I really suck at poker, so I was the first out of the game. It came down to my neighbor, Kathy, and Tricia’s husband, Joe, at the end, with Joe winning and taking the money home.

Well, I had better get to packing. Wish me well on my flights! I hope everyone has a great week!


At August 08, 2004 9:46 AM, Blogger Maisyday said...

I really don't mind Chicago. But, I have also flown there so many times now that I know the place really well.

As for my friend, I don't know if she has found a date or not. The guy we wanted to fix her up with at poker night wasn't able to make it, and I really don't know anyone else for her. I guess though, if I knew many single men, I'd be dating them myself! :)


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