Sunday, August 8

Twenty seven is too old for Twister

Okay, so I lied yesterday--this is actually my last post before I head out of here this evening.

Last night I went over to Christina's house for a little get together with some friends, Shawn, Chris, and a friend of Christina's, Nikki. I hadn't seen Chris (not the Chris mentioned in earlier posts), since 1998, so it was really great getting to see him again. Shawn I see about once every month or so, and it is always great getting to see him. And Nikki, I hope you are reading this--you kick ass! We had a great evening, starting with Shawn making pizzas (that boy should be a chef), and of course drinks were had by all. We played a couple of drinking games, went out and met Christina's new neighbors, and then broke out Twister.

I am sure everyone remembers how much fun they had as kids playing Twister, right? It is still that much fun and more. However, when you have been drinking, I am not sure Twister is the right choice of games. It came down between Shawn and me during the first game, and I ended up losing because I may be flexible, but I am not a contortionist. Anyways, the reasoning behind being too old for it--when I fell, being inebriated as I was, I didn't notice where I was falling. I now have a lovely knot and bruise on my forehead from falling into the bookcase. Nothing like looking as though you've been beat up when you are headed out of town on a business trip. Also, I used muscles in that game that I forgot I had--I am not hurting this morning, miracle of miracles, but I wouldn't be surprised if I feel it tomorrow--you know the second day is always the worst. :)

Is this going to stop me from playing Twister again--NEVER!!! It is just too much fun. It did teach me to look where I am falling though, so it wasn't without worth. Oh, that, and I need to contort myself into really odd positions on a regular basis to work out those new found muscles! :)

Have a great week everyone!


At August 14, 2004 10:14 PM, Blogger Maisyday said...

You have never played Twister?!?!?!

Promise me that you will fix that! :) Go out, buy a Twister game, and the next time you have a group of friends over, break it out. Granted, you may get some strange looks at first, but once people start remembering how much fun it used to be, they will be willing to play. It really is so much fun, even with me getting the knot on my head. Heck, that knot didn't even stop me that night--we went on to play another game later in the evening.

Once you do get to play, you will have to let me know what you think!


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