Wednesday, June 21

Fix-up on the horizon

For some reason, every time I think about this, I start singing, "I feel a bad moon rising..." Don't ask me why; I should be very happy for people to think highly enough of me to want to fix me up with their friends. But the thought ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIES ME!!!

Here is what has been going on:

For the past two weeks I was stationed at our Operations Building doing oversight on some construction going on there. For the first week one of my coworkers, Deb, was over there with me. We have worked on a couple of projects together, but not for any real length of time, so we have never really had the chance to get to know one another. While doing oversight though, outside of about two hours a day, we had all the time in the world to chat and get to know everything we ever wanted to about the other. Through these conversations she was able to find out that yes, I am single, what kind of guys I go for, some of my interests, those sorts of things.

Before I continue, let's jump back a few weeks. I had to meet with this guy Todd to discuss respirators--nice guy, we get along well, he cracks a couple of Darth Vader jokes, all is well. (You can't talk respirators without at least one Darth Vader joke, for the record.)

Now, jump back to two weeks ago. I had to leave early one Friday, leaving Deb and Todd alone. When I returned that following Monday, I had an e-mail from Todd, identifying him as Deb's friend, asking me to a party that Todd is having for the Fourth of July. Before I had finished reading the invite, he was at my desk, asking me if I had plans. I told him the truth--I am not sure yet what I am doing for the holiday, that I might be heading back to WV to visit family. So, a bit later I had another e-mail. It was at this point that I started figuring out what was really going on. In it he was telling me about who would be at the party, describing some as sci-fi/fantasy folks and others as science geeks/musicians, 25-35 years old, and a mixture of singles and couples. Interesting, but I think all of those topics came up in conversation with Deb the week prior....

Now, you would expect that this is where things end, right? I choose to go to the party or not. NOOOO, my life is NEVER that simple, haven't you people realized that yet???

One note: Todd is married, so if you are thinking he is the guy, WRONG! :)

With my obvious indecision about coming to the party, Todd approached me about going out to dinner with he, his wife, and some of their friends one weekend. Sure, I am always so excited about meeting new people! (READ--I freak out when meeting new people--they scare me half to death. I am actually extremely shy, no matter what anyone says.) Of course I say yes though, because hey, I am new to the area. It really would be nice to meet some people my own age to hang out with. Todd also saw right through my excuse for maybe not coming to the party, realizing that I was totally freaked out at the thought of going to a party where I really don't know anyone. He said that he'd like for me to meet some of the other people who would be there so that I would feel more comfortable coming. So, this was all him being nice, trying to ease my fears. Or was it???? Later in the conversation I was point blank asked if I am single, and one fact I haven't mentioned yet is that the only person mentioned specifically other than his wife and neighbors was that neighbor's brother, who happens to be tall. Funny thing to mention unless...ding, ding, ding, ding!!! We have a fix-up!!!

I am not certain when I will end up meeting this guy. Todd called this past weekend to ask me over to hang out with he and his friends, and guess who was mentioned again...yep, the neighbor's brother. I was in WV for Father's Day though, so I wasn't able to make it.

I have to say though, I am so mortified at the thought of going to hang out with these people. Todd seems nice enough, and I am sure his friends are, but what if it ends up that I have nothing in common with them? I don't even really know Todd, so I could end up sitting there, not being able to think of a single thing to talk about with these people. I will go though, as much as it may pain me. For one thing, Todd is trying way too hard for me not to. I can just imagine the conversation with his wife and friends..."I can not call her again, she is going to think that I am after her!" Which, I have to admit, with my track record of having married men hit on me, that was my first thought. Think about it, I had met the guy once, and all of a sudden I was invited to a party and to dinner--it was a bit suspicious. Right up until the neighbor's brother was mentioned. Since then, the brother has been mentioned multiple times, so I am pretty sure he is looking at me for someone else. Please, oh please, let that be the case! I seem to have finally broken the curse of having only married men hit on me, not having had a single new one try since I moved to Maryland. Some of the old ones have continued trying, but I keep pointing out how pathetic they are and that they need to pay more attention to their wives, so I think they are starting to get the hint. But so far, the guys who have hit on me here have been single!!! What a wonderful thing! Of course, one of them did look like a monkey...but at least he was single. :)

Here is what is going to be tough for me now. Todd has been playing this as though he is just a nice guy who is trying to help the new girl in town meet people. So, even though I have figured out his ulterior motives, I get to try to pretend to not know when I meet this guy. Which I guess isn't so bad; at least if I can't stand the guy, I can just pretend that I wasn't there to specifically meet him. Man, now another thought just crossed my mind! What if I go to the party, meet this guy as well as other single men, and I like one of the other ones better? Oh well, I will worry about that if it comes to that.

Well, that is about it! I will let you know what happens!

Wednesday, June 14

Kind of like, "Hey ya'll, watch this..."

Your Famous Last Words Will Be:

"I dunno, press the button and find out."

If only...

You Should Drive a Jaguar XK 4.2
You don't care how you get there as long as you get there with class. And having a little power doesn't hurt either!

Monday, June 12


You Are a Smiley Face Cookie

You're happy go lucky. So happy, in fact, it's a little past the point of normal sanity.You usually make those around you smile ... when you're not creeping them out!

What Kind of Cookie Are You?

Wednesday, June 7

Crazy ramblings...

This week I realized something about women's clothing, which unfortunately has made dressing this week very difficult for me: the sleeves are all screwy on most shirts. All of my shirts have little capped sleeves, so maybe what would equal 1/8 sleeves. This has not been an issue before this week, but I am working on a construction site through next week, and one of the requirements is to wear a shirt with at least 1/4 sleeves, so in essence, a t-shirt. I have gone through my closet, and I only have a couple of shirts that will meet this requirement, at least shirts that would be appropriate for work. I have a ton of traditional t-shirts, that, while they would fit the sleeve requirement, I have a feeling I would be sent home when someone noticed that Calvin and Hobbes are smoking a joint on the back of my shirt, or that "Jokers, Aces, and Phi-Mus are WILD," or I could go with the ever professional Grateful Dead Bear shirt that proclaims "My parent's think I am in college." Ooh, ooh, or maybe I should try wearing a shirt from one of the political campaigns I have worked on; considering I work for the feds, and pretty much Bush is my boss, how do you think it would go over if I wore a Kerry shirt?

Anyway, dressing has been tough, to say the least. And I am here all next week also, so I guess I will just repeat all of my clothes next week that I wore this week--there is no way I am going to come up with ten different shirts.

The funny thing is, I never noticed this phenomenon happening. Did sleeves just gradually start getting shorter so that there wasn't an outcry about how strange they look? Are they just going to keep getting smaller and smaller, until there are only sleeveless shirts? Crazy ramblings, I know, but it is what is going through my mind at the moment.

All right! To make matters even better, I just learned that from now on, I get to start wearing a neon, fluorescent green vest over my shirts. I am going to be looking good this afternoon! Currently I am wearing an orange gingham checked button-up shirt. Isn't that going to look fabulous with a neon green vest?!?!?!?! Toss in the hard hat, safety glasses, and steel-toed boots, and I am so sexy it hurts! All I can say is thank goodness there isn't anyone at the construction site that I am trying to impress!